Adam’s need for a help-meet
1. What is an Adam - He is a representative of God to the garden. He is the protector. He is the gardener. He is the dominator of the wilds. He is the gatherer of gold.
2. What is an Isha - She is fire. She is the vessel of wisdom because she is the a microcosm of the garden, she is the peak of creation, the crown. She is the garden who gardens. She transforms booty into bounty. She is the beautiful beautifier.
What is an Eve (Gen. 3:20; Gal. 4:26) - She is the seer. She is the peak of creation, she is mankind’s baptismal font: birthing souls into existence. She is the receiver of the first promise. The fountainhead of faith.
What is submission?
1. No Sub-Mission without a Mission
2. The need: Wisdom for this particular mission
3. The gift of submission
The Mission of God for the Family 57
What is an Adam, What is an Eve
Nov 11, 2024
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