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I just thought about the parable of the wedding feast while listening podcast. Where God stretch is the invitation from Eden to Armageddon as it were. Looking at the sin of our first parents as at best a putting on of the wrong clothes for the feast and at worst and outright rejection of the invitation. And then seeing the slow degradation of History before Christ comes and the feast begins. Now that the feast has begun we are called to take off our wilderness clothes and put on our wedding clothes. I don't think that heaven is one big feast. And certainly not the restored Earth.

Another thing that I just thought about. Tower of Babel incident was only possible because the children of Noah had a bad metaphysic. They believed the only way they could be together is if they were physically rounded up

When we know that that's not the case at all. Every Lord's Day, when we come worship, we are all worshiping together in the same place! We may be thousands of miles apart from each other. yet, still at the same wedding feast! No Tower of Babel needed. Simply Jacob's ladder.

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